Congrats to Blue Ridge Moose Legion 82!
Moosehaven 2024 Annual Chili Cookoff People's Choice 3rd Place Winners
Photos from Mooseheart taken by Keith Carpenter of this year's Pilgrim Inductees. Congrats to all.

Bedford Moose 1897 held a breakfast on Memorial Day (5-27-24) to honor our Bedford Moose Veterans. The veterans were treated to a buffet breakfast and afterwards proceeded to the flagpole to lower the flag to half mast in honor of Memorial Day. Submitted by: Cynthia (Cindy) Dooley
Welcome the new 2024-2025 Franconia Lodge Board of Officers
Welcome the new 2024-2025 Franconia Chapter Board of Officers
VMA President Wakefield Foster was surprised by dozens of Moose members wearing a "Wakefield Says, Moose Business" tshirt with his picture on it at the VMA 2024 Mid Year Conference. The proceeds from the shirt sales will go to a charity of the President's choice.
New officers of NVCHD who were installed at the banquet held in Luray on Sunday, December 17. The officers installed were, left to right: Chaplain Teresa Judd, Treasure Cynthia Millard, Vice President Beverly Rumpf, and Past President Jackie Pitkin.
2023 VMA Chili Cook-Off Competition held at Lynchburg South 1727 on September 20, 2023 - Photos by Keith Carpenter
2023 Old Dominion Moose Legion 148 Fall Celebration held at Richmond East 1947 on September 30, 2023 - Photos by Keith Carpenter
James West covering LCL in a 2HOTT session at Franconia Lodge # 1076. Photo by Melissa Stange