The Sunshine Grandparent Program

Moosehaven residents come from all over the United States, as well as Canada and England!  This means that they may be far from their families, friends, Lodges, and Chapters. 

Lodges and Chapters, State Associations, Council of Higher Degrees, other Moose affiliated groups, and even individuals are encouraged to “adopt” a Moosehaven resident under the Sunshine Grandparent program. This program works in several ways to enrich, not only the lives of the Moosehaven seniors but the lives of those who adopt them.  Simple gestures, such as sending a card for birthdays and holidays, exchanging emails, and sending gift cards to celebrate special occasions, such as holidays and birthdays, are always welcome and can make a big difference in the life of a Moosehaven resident. Sharing stories and life’s journeys build strong and lasting relationships plus, the joy of giving extends both ways.

Moosehaven residents are very fortunate to live in the beautiful community that is supported by The Moose.  You contribute to their needs and help provide friendship and support that extends well beyond the Moosehaven campus.

For more information, please contact:

Suzanne Hopkins, Director of Resident Services

904 278-1217

Sponsored Sunshine Grandparents by Lodges and Chapters, State Associations, Council of Higher Degrees, and other Moose affiliated groups of the  Virginia Moose Association

Russell Haycock

Sponsored By:

Pearisburg Lodge 1338

Portsmouth Lodge 898

Patricia Chisholm

Sponsored By:

Ashland Chapter 1252

Aragona Village Chapter 684

Harold Embrey

Sponsored By:

Woodbridge Chapter 653

Franconia Lodge 1076

Franconia Chapter 1042

Robert Werrbach

Sponsored By:

Altavista Lodge 1433

Lyn Feagan

Sponsored By:

Powhatan Lodge 1840

Yvonne Coleman

Sponsored By:

Lisa Roarty of 

Fredericksburg Chapter 1592

Arlene West

Sponsored By:

Fredericksburg Chapter 1592

Rodney Harris

Sponsored By:

Warrenton Chapter 1813

Harry Gilpin

Sponsored By:

Dinwiddie Chapter 1296

Lee Heckle

Sponsored By:

Newport News Chapter 213

Arnold Love

Sponsored By:

Sandston Lodge 1937

Janette Sparrow

Sponsored By:

Hopewell Chapter 1180

Janet Severson

Sponsored By:

Altavista Chapter 1966

Pamala Shook

Sponsored By:

Sandston Chapter 569

Mary Embrey

Sponsored By:

Woodbridge Chapter 653

Franconia Lodge 1076

Franconia Chapter 1042

Virginia & Raymond Winkler

Sponsored By:

Luray Chapter 1647

Carol Gilpin

Sponsored By:

Manchester Richmond Chapter 1078

Charlotte Shedd

Sponsored By:

Suffolk Chapter 1315

Portsmouth Chapter 966

Irene Monroe

Sponsored By:

Jennifer Moran of 

Waynesboro Lodge 1309

Mary Puffenbarger

Sponsored By:

Leesburg Lodge 1041

Janet Rossi

Sponsored By:

Manassas Chapter 1392

Warrenton Lodge 1695

Janet Severson

Sponsored By:

Altavista Chapter 1966

Moosehaven Residents from Virginia  

Patricia Chisholm

Ashland Chapter 1252

Janet Rossi

Manassas Chapter 1392

Margaret Bowen

Colonial Beach Chapter 1636

F. Ross Fleet

Winchester Lodge 1283

Linda Feagan

Fredericksburg Chapter 1592

Harry Gilpin III

Manchester Richmond Lodge 699

C. Joyce Bell

Portsmouth Chapter 966

Russell Haycock

Portsmouth Lodge 898

Harold G. Embrey

Woodbridge Lodge 587

Mary L. Embrey

Woodbridge Chapter 653

Ingebord Westmoreland

Colonial Beach Chapter 1636

James Westmoreland

Colonial Beach Lodge 1783

Vonnie Barglof

Hopewell Lodge 1472

Robert L Quinn

Waynesboro Lodge 1309

Moosehaven, our Exclusive FIVE-STAR Senior Living Community.

Because YOU deserve a Great Retirement!

Moosehaven is a private membership retirement community located on the banks of the St Johns River, in the heart of Orange Park, Florida. With a full range of programs and services, Moosehaven provides seniors 65 and older a comfortable and secure retirement option. Residents enjoy the benefits of social interaction and support services within a residential community that has served members of The Moose since 1922.