VMA Communications
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
To date member units of our Association have given $763,339.36 (191%) to the Moosehaven AAA Project. We have an outstanding 70 Lodges who met their total 3 year commitment and 5 more who are very close. Please be sure to mention those Lodgesat your next District meeting and congratulate them on their achievement! This project is basically paid for so a new project will be announced at the International Convention in Milwaukee in May so let's be prepared! They are being tightlipped about it other than to say it will be something for Mooseheart once again.
As you know we have a new short-term project to raise $85,000.00 for a lift van for Mosehaven to take residents to outside Doctor's appointments. We have raised $18,797.76 so far for this project which ends on April 30th. If your Lodges have some gaming money they need to use to meet their 20% well hers's an opportunity! Please have them send their donations to Moose Charities earmarked "VMA Special Project Moosehaven Lift Van".
It is the home stretch for Moose Charities giving to qualify for the Premier Lodge Award. We have 58 Lodges who have met their goals but remind them they still have to send in endowment every month. We have 11 more that are within $1000 or less to reach their goals. Remind them that any money they send to Moose Charities for any project counts toward their goal and that money counts toward their 20% use of proceeds from gaming so it's a win/win for them. We have some others, who owe quite a bit, who have gotten it done in the past so offer them a little encouragement to get it done again! All of this counts toward the Top Association Award so lets so the Moose who is the best!
Thank you for all do for our Association and the Moose for, without members like you, we would not be where we are today. Keep up the good work!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Chaplain and Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection March 2025)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
As of this date the total fraternity wide collections for the Moosehaven AAA Project is at $12,096,949.24. Of this total, the members of the VMA have contributed $761,757.94 which is over 190% of our original goal so thank all of your members for doing such a great job! We have 68 Lodges who met at least 100% of what we asked for so congratulate them as well. As of this time we are not asking for any more money for this project.
We have a new short-term project with a goal of $85,000.00 for a van with a wheelchair lift for Moosehaven to take residents to outside doctors' appointments. We talked about this at mid-year and have collected $2440 thus far. Please ask your Lodges to give what they can for this project and make sure to earmark it "VMA Moosehaven Clinic Special Van Project" so they can get proper credit for it. This also counts toward their total Moose Charities giving for the Premier Lodge Awards and can count towards their 20% use of proceeds for their gaming money. A letter is going out soon regarding this project.
Speaking of total giving, we have 54 Lodges who have met the requirements for Moose Charities giving for the Premier Lodge Award as long as they also meet the endowment requirements. Some lodges are very close so please discuss this with your Lodges and help them reach their goals. With the 20% use of proceeds rule remind them that they can use gaming money to meet these goals since Moose Charities is a 501c(3) charity. Kudos to Districts 2, 8, and 9 for having all Lodges meeting their goals.
We hit 100% on endowment one time this year but have fallen back into old habits it seems. Please stress the fact that the money collected needs to go to Moose Charities every month. Also make sure that it gets there before the end of the month. We have some Lodges who have missed because they sent it in too soon and it shows up on the last day of the month and not the first of the month as intended. A good rule of thumb is to send something by the tenth of every month. That way it has plenty of time to get there before the end and is not too soon either.
As always, thank you all for what you do for our fraternity and keep up the good work!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Chaplain and Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection February 2025)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
I hope everyone had a nice holiday and are ready to start finishing out the Moose year!
We have 47 Lodges that have met their qualifications for the Premier Lodge Award as long as they get their endowment in each month. We had the one month with 100% endowment so that proved you could do it so let's work on making that the norm!
The AAA Project has hit nearly $750K which is 187% of the amount we pledged so thank you all very much! We have 68 Lodges who met their total commitment and 4 more who only need a little more to hit their total commitment.
We will be presenting a new short Association project at Mid Year so I hope to see you there.
Thank you for all you do for our fraternity and be sure to thank all of your Lodges for all of the good things they do for our children and seniors.
Don Ridenhour
VMA Chaplain and Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection January 2025)
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection December 2024)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
Attached you will find the Moosehaven AAA Project report (Honor Roll). As of November 30 we have 67 Lodges who have met the three year goals and five more who are very close! To date we have given over $683K to this project so thank you for an outstanding job!
We have 39 Lodges who have met their per capita or $1 more goals for the Premier Lodge award and many more who are on target to reach their goals as well. To date our Association Lodges have given almost $777K to Moose Charites so we are well on our way to breaking the one-million-dollar mark once again. So please keep up the good work in supporting our children at Mooseheart and our seniors at Moosehaven. Be sure to thank your Lodges for all they do to promote our precepts of helping others and supporting our communities.
The Endowment report will be coming soon so remind your Lodges that they need to send it in every month in order to qualify for the Premier Lodge Award. We need to keep working to make our Association the Top Association in the entire fraternity!
Bob Benjamin has been in touch with Helen Taylor at Moosehaven and there may be another opportunity to help them with a need in the near future. We will have more information at the Mid-Year Conference in January so I look forward to seeing you all there!
Thank you for all you do and keep up the good work because it is you that make it possible to do as well as we do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Chaplain and Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from VMA Chapter Advocate, Donna Smith
Hope everyone is doing okay and getting ready for the Holidays. Please have fun and stay safe. Below is some information I would like to pass on to the Chapters.
1: CONVENTION - January 16th -18th 2025
1/17 (Friday) - WOTM SESSION at 5:30pm in the main meeting room - Roll call will be taken
- If the A/F staff would like to practice, they may do so before or after the WOTM Session. (separate room)
1/18 (Saturday) A/F CONFERRAL at 7:30am. This will be held in a different room then the main meeting room. Roll call is taken
Matriculates - please pre-register if at all possible. The Staff and Matriculates should be there by 6:30
and others will be let into the room at 7:10 for the meeting to start at 7:30.
March of Checks - This is a requirement for your Chapter and should be presented at the A/F Session Saturday morning.
Look on page 64 of your Officer handbook
If your Chapter will not be present at the Convention -Please contact me on where to send the check.
1/18 (Saturday) BANQUET - Theme is the 50's & 60's. I plan on being in a poodle skit and hope to see you dress up as well.
1/17 or 1/18 - WOTM LUNCHEON - This is open to all Women of the Moose, but you will have to purchase a ticket.
I am asking for donations of a gift card or gift for door prizes from your chapter if possible.
Rooms came available on 11/17.
2. RALLY DAY - March 8th in Winchester.
Requirement for at least one (1) person to be in attendance at this meeting / fun day.
Rooms reservations should be coming out to the Chapter soon with the information of what is going on at the Lodge Friday and Saturday
Pre-registration forms will also be made available very soon with a cutoff date in February,
The Winchester Chapter is looking forward to hosting the Chapter Rally Day and has fun activities planned.
3 - GOLDEN GAVEL- Past Regent
All past regents are on this committee. If you do not have a past regent ---this Chapter night & forms still needs to be done. The board and
past regents will handle the Chapter night with a pro-tem.
Get your proposal in now for the Chapter night so everything can be approved.
1. Print off the Nominations, Elections and Installation handbook and read it. If you have any questions, please ask before January.
2. Get your nominating committee together in December. This is because the first meeting in January you will announce who is on the committee
and give the 2 dates (in January) that you will be holding your meetings.
We will talk more on this at the WOTM Session in January.
The new Grand Regent project for the WOTM this year is for Mooseheart. We are trying to raise 150 thousand dollars to replace 83 kids' bedroom
furniture and 3 living room suites. The Checks are made out to Moose Charities - earmarked Grand Regent Project 24-25
Just a FYI - The Women of the Moose is not going away and the degrees for the women or the men are not changing. You will hear about a recognition program that
you will be able to achieve at different levels at this year's convention in Milwaukee. MI is going to start marketing the WOTM a lot more.
Thank you for all you do and have a Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas
******* We are trying to update our records on the Chapters at the VMA office. Please send me the following information
Chapter Name
Mailing Address
Days and time your meeting are held during the month (example 1st & 2rd Wednesday at 7:00)
Donna Smith, PGCM
VMA President
VA Chapter Advocate
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
Attached you will find the latest reports on the AAA Project and Per Capita Giving. We have reached the halfway point of our Moose Year and are doing very well on our Moose Charities giving.
To date we have given $676,750.94 to Moose Charites for endowment and other projects. This gives us $10.88 per capita which is above the fraternity's goal of $8.69 per member. We are also on target to surpass our giving for last year which is outstanding! Please tell your Lodges thanks for all they are doing for our children and seniors. We have 35 Lodges who have already met the requirements for the Premier Lodge Award with their giving but remind them they must also meet the requirements for endowment monthly giving. Last year we had a couple of Lodges who failed to do that part. I've included an explanation of the Per Capita Report for those of you who may be new to the position of District President. Please use it tto help your Lodges understand the report.
The Endowment report will be coming out soon so be sure to check both of the reports to ensure your Lodges are on the right track. It is because of your diligence that we are able to do so well in the Top Association Awards. This year the awards will be divided according to Association size which has kept us from being named Top Association in the past. Even though we did the best among the larger Associations the smaller Associations have had an advantage due to percentages. Let's all work together to make sure we get the recognition we deserve!
I just returned from Moosehaven and the International Chili Cookoff where our Association was well represented. The Blue Ridge Moose legion 82 team from Bassett 383 placed 3rd in the People's Choice Award so please congratulate them when you see them! While there, I saw the place where the new recreation center will be built for the Moosehaven AAA project and they are currently clearing the site for construction to begin. To date we have contributed over $666,943.71 to this project and exceeded our goal with 166.74% of our goal reached. They are still accepting contributions if anyone needs a place to send some gaming proceeds. Remind them that this money counts toward per capita giving and will be well appreciated by the residents of Moosehaven. They are very excited about this project and are looking forward until the day they can use the new facilities.
All of this is made possible by the members of our Association, and others, so be sure to thank our members every step of the way. Thank you for all you do for our fraternity and may God bless you all!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Chaplain and Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection November 2024)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
We're getting to the halfway point in our Moose year and we continue to move forward in our giving. The Moosehaven AAA Project has reached 164% of our original goal ($658,481.77) and the project is underway. The New York building has been razed and new construction on the recreation center has begun. We have 62 Lodges who have given over 100% of their goal. Moose Charities is still accepting donations to this project if anyone needs a place to send gaming money. As with any fundraising effort, that cover a period of years, cost increases may push the total needed up a little so a little extra never hurts when it comes to insuring our future!
Our Association is exceeding our per capita goals with a total of $9.57 so far. This figure helps us in our goal to be the top Association so please continue to donate on a regular basis to the endowment fund and other projects for our children and seniors. We have 29 Lodges so far that have exceeded their last year total or met the per capita requirements. So long as the meet the endowment monthly giving requirements they will qualify for the Premier Lodge Award giving totals. Let's try to make this 100%!
Speaking of endowment, there are still Lodges who are missing their monthly payments. The report will be out soon so be sure to contact the Lodges who missed and see what happened. If you need something to inspire them with let them know that Strasburg (even without a building due to fire) is still sending in endowment every month. So no one, I repeat no one, has any excuse for not sending it in.
Thank you for all you do to make Virginia a top association in our fraternity. If you have any questions feel free to call me anytime.
Don Ridenhour
VMA Chaplain and Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection October 2024)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
First of all, let me thank your Lodges for completing the Moosehaven Bus Project so quickly. The bus has been purchased and the residents are using it. We went over our goal and Moose Charities should either have contacted, or will be contacting, Lodges about the overages and where the money should be applied. Please let the Lodges who sent money, who were not on the list, know that there is still money needed for the AAA Project. Once again Virginia has risen to the top in fundraising!
The AAA Project is nearly fully funded but like everything else these days there will be cost overruns so they will need a little extra. So far, we have given over 159% ($638,897.58) of what we pledged and are currently the third largest donors behind Ohio ($4,458,891.33) and Florida ($947,108.75). We have 62 Lodges who have met or exceed their goals and another 9 who have met 2 years. The old New York building has been taken down to make room for the new recreation center and construction is under way.
We have 24 Lodges who have met their per capita giving or $1 more goals so far and we stand with an Association per capita number of $7.37 to date. Remember the goal is $8.69 per member so we still have a ways to go. Remind those who have met their goals to keep giving and be sure to send in their endowment each month to qualify for the Premier Lodge award. Sadly, there are some Lodges who are still not sending in their endowment on a monthly basis so it's time to start calling them out at District meeting or on Lodge visits. Remind them once again it is not their money to use but is given to send to Moose Charities to be used as needed. The report should be coming soon so go over it and contact those Lodges on the list who are not meeting their obligations and find out why. They can pay online at Moose Charities so there is absolutely no excuse for being late. The link is HERE and can be found by clicking on the red "donate" button in the upper right hand corner of the Moose Charities website.
This year's Rudolph Virtual 5K is under way. In the past we haven't had much participation from Virginia Lodges so let's see if we can get some Lodges on board to this fun event. You can find some information HERE or feel free to give Gail a call at Moose Charities (630) 966-2200 and she will be glad to help you. Spread the word and let's put Virginia Lodges on the list of contributors! They will be recognized on Facebook, on Moose Charities' website, and in newsletters. Individuals can also form teams.
Last year we went over the $1 million mark for Moose Charities giving and there is no reason we cannot meet or exceed that number once more! Thank you all for your hard work and helping to make Virginia a top Association in Moose Charities giving. You are what makes this work by keeping the information flowing.
Thank you for all that you do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Chaplain and Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection September 2024)
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection August 2024)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Great news everyone so please pass this along! Thanks to your generous donations the Moosehaven Bus Project is fully funded! Thank you to everyone who donated.
You have been so generous there is extra money left over that can be used for other projects. Since Moose Charities is only allowed to put the money you sent in toward the specified project, they will be contacting donors, whose money exceeded the limit asked for to find out where they would like that extra money to go. You can donate it to the Moosehaven AAA Project, items on the wish list, endowment, or anything else you care to choose. Be sure to pass it on that the project is finished and any money earmarked for that project received from now on will have to go somewhere else according to Moose Charities rules. If someone's name is not on the list it means the goal was reached before the money got to Moose Charities and they will be contacted on where they want the money redirected.
Please review the per capita giving numbers and help your Lodges reach their goals. We have 21 Lodges who have already met their goals but remind them they must still send in endowment each month. Sadly we still have some Lodges who are not sending endowment each month. Time to stop playing around. Tell them the money is not theirs and must be sent in to Moose Charities in a timely manner. It is so simple to submit that there is no excuse for not doing it every month.
The AAA Project is doing very well but is still short of the overall goal for the entire project so please let your lodges know they are still accepting donations. We have hit nearly 156% of our goal so please thank your lodges that have contributed so generously. We still have 2 on the BROWN list so remind them that it is part of our mission to support Moosehaven!
Again, Virginia is the best when it comes to caring for our children, our seniors, and our communities.
Thank you for all that you do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection July 2024)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Greetings Brothers and Sisters!
Attached are your Moose Charities reports for the first month of the new year. We already have 3 Lodges who have met the qualifications for the Premier Lodge Award! What a great start. Unfortunately, there are quite a few that missed endowment the first month and you will see that on the report from Charles Carter. Remind your Lodges what I said at mid-year about those that miss endowments. There is no reason whatsoever that endowment should not be sent in every single month. But enough of that, let's focus on another record setting year for the Lodges of the Virginia Moose Association and keep those donations coming in for our children and seniors.
We currently stand at over 150% of our goal on the Moosehaven AAA Project with over $600,000.00 donated so far. They are still about $1.5 million short of the total they are looking for so any donations you have to spare is still needed to complete the project. We have 60 Lodges who have met or exceeded their 3 year goals! Please thank them for all of our seniors.
Speaking of projects, as you may or may not know, we have a new short term project for Moosehaven for a 15 passenger bus for the residents. Our goal is $120,000 by the end of July. If you have some proceeds from gaming you need to donate here's your chance! The bus is needed because their drivers with CDLs are getting some age on them and a CDL is not required for buses of this size. The busses they have been using are much larger and getting old like their drivers! By the way, Ohio has already bought one so we need to get ours up and running with our name on it to keep our name out there! When sending money to Moose charities for the VMA Moosehaven Bus Project be sure to earmark it as such ("VMA Moosehaven Bus Project")to insure proper credit is given. This money also counts toward your per capita/$1 more giving to Moose Charities!
I have also included the new Moose Charities giving goals for this year. The per capita has gone up to $8.69 per member and the amount need for each lodge to reach that can be found in column H on the report. Some have a better chance reaching the $1 more so the last column shows the amount need on the easiest way to reach the goal. Just make sure everyone sends in the endowment each month because last year we had lodges that met the monetary goals and did not send in their endowment enough months.
I want to personally thank each of you for your hard work and help in making Virginia a top association in Moose Charities giving. Our children and seniors rely upon us to take care of them and that's what we do! 1please keep up the good work!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection June 2024)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters, another year is in the books! We had a great year in Moose Charities giving! As an Association our Lodges gave a total of $1,136,745.59 to Moose Charities. We had 71 Lodges who gave enough to qualify for the Premier Lodge Award by either giving $1 more than the previous year, by meeting or exceeding the per capita of $6.75 per member, or both. Unfortunately, there may be some among them that missed too many endowments to qualify which is a shame. The endowment will be out soon so we can be sure of the qualifiers. Either way it was still an outstanding year for our Association! We did so well in fact, that the per capita for the coming year throughout the fraternity will jump up to $8.69 per member! Given what we did this year it should be no problem for those who make their giving totals through per capita. As a whole I've already gotten word Moose Charities collected over $17M for Mooseheart and Moosehaven and we had a big part in that. Please keep up the good work and thank those Lodges who went above and beyond the mark we set at the beginning of the year. I will have the new goals ready to go shortly to get everyone started on the right foot.
On the AAA Project (Honor Roll), we have gone over the $600K mark which is over 150% of our goal. The project still needs about $2M more to reach the $10M goal set in the beginning so if any of your Lodges would like to contribute more they are free to do so. Please thank everyone for their contributions and support. I was at the groundbreaking in March for this project and it is currently in the permitting stage so it is moving along nicely. Demolition of the New York building will make way for the new rec center and the other parts of the project will proceed as the permits come in. The residents are very thankful to everyone for their contributions and can't wait to use the facilities that are being built thanks to members like you!
We also have a special project coming up for a Moosehaven bus that we will be putting out soon so stay tuned!
As always, thank you for what you do for our children and seniors! May God bless you all!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection May 2024)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
Attached are the latest Moose Charities reports for the Moosehaven AAA Project (Honor Roll Report) and All Giving. As it stands all units of Virginia have given a total of over $596K to this project, far exceeding our $400K goal. Outstanding! Please be sure to thank everyone who has contributed and remind them they can still give to help reach the $10M goal. Also let them know that Ohio has given over $3M and we can't let them get all of the credit! LOL I was fortunate enough to be at the ground breaking for this project last month and the biggest question from the residents at Moosehaven was, "When will this be finished? We want to live long enough to enjoy it!". So it is up to us to get it done by making sure the money is there when it is needed. Who knows, we may be the ones using it in the future!
Also attached is the Per Capita All Giving report. We have 66 Lodges who have qualified for the Premier Lodge Award on Moose Charities giving of $1 more or meeting the per capita amount of $6.75 per member. We have some more who are very close to reaching their goals so let them know what they need to give this month to do that. Some of them are assured of having a plus one in membership and it would be a shame to miss the PLA because of Moose Charities giving. Also remind your Lodges that endowment each month is also important and they need to send that in as well.
And here is the big news! For the first time that I know the Lodges of the VMA has contributed over ONE MILLION DOLLARS to Moose Charities! Give yourselves a big pat on the back because we never would have hit that number without all of your help. Thank you so much for all you do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection April 2024)
VMA Official Communication from VMA VCU Children's Hospital Chairman Dennis Harlow
Greetings to all,
I would like to thank each and every lodge, chapter, district and Moose Legion that have made donations, and many generous donations, to the Children's Hospital of Richmond Foundation. Any amount, large or small, is truly appreciated.
I would like to request moving forward that your donations be sent to the VMA Office for forwarding to the fund. There is a very specific address, and unless the checks are made out properly AND sent to the correct address, they either have to be sent back to the issuer, or applied as they are made payable to.
Please make checks payable to: Children's Hospital of Richmond Foundation
And mail to:
Post Office Box 1063
Bedford, VA 24523
Your checks will immediately be forwarded to the charity, and ensure credit to the intended fund.
Dennis Harlow
VCU Children's Hospital Chairman
Virginia Moose Association
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
We currently stand at $583,069.31 (145%) on the Moosehaven AAA Project with almost a year to go. I attended the groundbreaking ceremony at Moosehaven this week and things are moving forward on the new recreation center. The residents are excited and grateful for everything we do for them. So far over $7 million has been raised on the $10 million project. Ohio leads the way with over $3M given so far, Florida is 2nd with about $650K (they haven't hit their pledge yet!), and we are in 3rd place. There is still money needed to complete the project so if your Lodges have any gaming proceeds to donate this is as good a place as any. We have 58 Lodges who have met their 3 year goal with 5 Lodges who have given over 400% of what we asked for. There are still some Lodges struggling to give and that's ok but if they have gaming that money has to be spent so what better place than our future retirement home!
On the Premier Lodge requirements we have 57 Lodges who have already met the giving requirements (some have missed too many endowments however) and three more who need to give less than $100 to qualify. It is crunch time with less than two months to go! So, if you have Lodges that are want to meet the requirements and receive their PLA then they need to step it up. Remember they can use gaming money to make donations to Moose Charities and can donate to any number of programs including the AAA Project. We need as many Lodges getting their Premier Lodge Awards as possible to help in our quest to be Top Association so spread the word! It takes all of us working together to make this happen and keep our future bright!
All units combined in our Association have given over $122M to Moose Charities this Moose year so let's keep the ball rolling and take care of our children and seniors the best we can! Thank you for all you do and may God bless you all!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection March 2024)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and sisters, first let me say THANK YOU! For the first time since I've held this position as Moose Charities Chairman, the Virginia Moose Association has passed the one million dollar mark in Moose Charities giving. And it is all because we have members who care. Please be sure to let your members know how special they are and how much their efforts are appreciated when it comes to supporting our children and seniors.
The contributions to the Moosehaven AAA Project have reached $545,345.09. We now have 56 Lodges who have met their three year commitment with actually a year left to go on the three year project! Outstanding! Please let these Lodges know how much their contributions are appreciated. We will be breaking ground on the project at Moosehaven on March 5th to get things started but money is still needed so let's keep the ball rolling and show the fraternity we are the top association when it comes to caring!
We have 53 Lodges who have met their Moose Charities giving of $1 more or per capita towards receiving their Premier Lodge Award. It is getting toward crunch time with only two and a half months to go. Please look at the report and help your lodges meet the goals so they can qualify. Remember they can use gaming proceeds toward achieving this goal. We have 13 Lodges who owe less than $1000 to meet the requirements and it should be achievable for many others. Also remind them they need to make sure endowment is sent in each month. Remind them that anyone who does not send in Endowment between now and our August Convention will be called out when I give my report and asked to explain why they didn't send it in on time. This is not a threat, it is a promise they should heed!
Also remind Lodges about the Rocker Fund for Moosehaven. They should all be selling the rockers in their Social Quarters. Make it fun and have competitions between Lodges in your Districts. Last year we only took in around $12K so I challenge them to double or even triple that! It's a great way to allow your members, who don't come to meetings, to contribute to the endowment fund.
One more thing, the annual Moose Charities fund raiser "The Blessing of the Bikes' is coming up in May. If you have Moose Riders in your District this is a great way to raise a little money for Moose Charities. They don't have to go to Mooseheart to participate. Registration is now open so they can register their team on the Moose Charities website and have a virtual ride to raise the money. It's a great way to put the fun in fundraising!
As always thank you for what you do for our children and seniors. You are the ones who keep the wheels rolling and the money flowing!
I've included PDF and Excel versions of the reports for your use. Thank you for what you do and let us work together to continue to make Virginia the number one Association in the fraternity!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection February 2024)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
The members of Virginia are truly amazing! As of December 31, 2023 the members of Virginia, all units combined, have given nearly $850,000.00 to Moose Charities and its various programs. Of that total, $536,528.15 has gone to the Moosehaven AAA Project (Honor Roll List) and exceeded our goal of $400,000.00 by over 34%. We have 55 Lodges who have met their three year goal and some who gave over 400% of what was asked of them. I am overwhelmed with the generosity of our members when it comes to giving and thank each and every one of you for helping make this possible. But don't stop now! There are still funds from gaming that need to be donated somewhere so let's continue to keep it in our Moose family by contributing to things like the AAA Project, the Mooseheart and Moosehaven wishlist on the Moose Charities website, and our Endowment fund, because together we make a difference in the lives of others.
We have 45 Lodges who have met their per capita or $1 more to qualify for the Premier Lodge Award and others who are very close. Please remind all of your Lodges that they still have to send Endowment in every month and not to wait until the last minute to send it. As long as they send something by the 10th of each month they will be fine. It's very simple, either send it by check (earmarked for Endowment) or pay it online on the Moose Charities website under "Donate" (in the upper right hand corner) Fraternal Unit Endowment. Sadly, we have Lodges who miss Endowment that give generously to other projects and would otherwise qualify. Don't let this happen to your Lodges!
I've included PDF and Excel versions of the reports for your use. Thank you for what you do and let us work together to continue to make Virginia the number one Association in the fraternity!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection January 2024)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters!
We have hit the $500, 000.00 mark on the Moosehaven AAA Project (Honor Roll List) and it is is thanks to the generosity of the members of the Virginia Moose Association and all of your hard work! They will be breaking ground on the new building in March but there is still money to be raised. If your Lodges are looking for someplace to put their use of proceeds for gaming there is no better place than Moose Charities to help the programs at Mooseheart and Moosehaven!
We have 37 Lodges who have qualified for the Premier Lodge Award with their Moose Charities giving and many more who are close. This is outstanding given we are only a little over halfway through the Moose Year. So let's keep up the momentum by reminding our Lodges to send in their endowment every month and continue contributing to the various Moose Programs. We have a Moose Youth Awareness Congress in Virginia in 2024 and contributions to Moose Youth Awareness count towards Moose Charity giving when sent directly to Moose Charities and earmarked for that program. As a reminder, have your Lodges be sure to earmark their checks for where they want them applied and be sure to send endowment in by the 10th of the month. Endowment is recorded on the date received and some send it at the end of the month and it arrives too early or too late depending upon which month it was supposed to count. We'd hate to have someone miss out because of something as simple as that.
Thank you for all you do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection December 2023)
11/06/23 (1 of 3)
Hotel Information for Mid-Year Confernence from VMA Convention Manager, Robbie Robertson
To All:
Mid-Year Conference 2024 will be held January 18th-21st, 2024. We will again be in Hampton, Virginia, and offering four different locations for housing for the event.
All meetings of the convention will be held in the Hampton Roads Convention Center.
Reservations will be open on Monday, November 13th, beginning at 8 a.m. All information, to include online reservation links, call in numbers and codes for the Moose rate will be on our website at virginiamoose.net, -About the VMA-Conferences and Conventions.
Please note important information listed below:
LODGING RATE: Will be $124.00 net rate plus tax. Per night
DEPOSIT POLICY: You must pay for a one-night deposit at the time of reservation. The deposit is refundable if canceled at least 14 days before arrival. You will forfeit the first night's deposit if canceled less than 14 days before arrival. (The Association is not responsible, nor can we assist in regaining deposits in the event you do not cancel in time)
Check-in time for all hotels is 4:00 pm
Early Check-in:
EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL: check-in before 2 pm will require a fee of $25 per hotel policy.
The Courtyard does not have a specific price-as rooms available; they will check people in, but rooms are not guaranteed until the hotel check-in time.
Hyatt Place charges $20-$40 based on the time needed to check-in.
Holiday Inn Express- If someone needs to check in early, they will do their best but not guaranteed.
Robbie Robertson
Convention Manager
Virginia Moose Association
Jim Ragland
Assistant Convention Manager
11/06/23 (2 of 3)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
Attached you will find the Per Capita and AAA Projects (AAA Honor Roll) reports for the period ending 10/31/23. We are doing well with 33 Lodges already qualified for the PLA through their Moose charities giving. Remember that the year is at the midway point and some Lodges are behind where they should be at this point. If the total in the last column exceeds the amount already given then they need to step it up if they wish yo qualify for the Premier Lodge award. Remind them they can use proceeds from gaming to increase their Moose Charities giving and the AAA Project is a good place to start! Also remind those that have already qualified that they still need to send in Endowment each month.
We have hit over $460K on the AAA Project but we shouldn't slow down now. Let's keep it up and make the $500K goal by mid-year in January! We still have some lodges who have given nothing and others that have given very little. Remind them that with the gaming regulations that they must give away 20% of their electronic money and this is a good place to give!
Thank you for all you do and keep up the good work for our children and seniors. Remember that Moosehaven is the lowest cost retirement plan you will ever find!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
11/06/23 (3 of 3)
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection November 2023)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
Attached you will find the latest Moose Charities total giving and Moosehaven AAA Project reports (Moosehaven AAA Honor Roll). Please look over these reports and use them at upcoming District Meetings or on your Lodge visits to let your Lodges know where they stand. As of September 30 we have hit our goal of $400,000.00 on the Moosehaven AAA project but let's not stop there. I'm challenging our Lodges to try and hit the $500,000.00 mark by next convention. Just to let you give them an example, Ohio has pledged $2 million and have already hit ¾ of that mark. Their Association is similar to ours in size so what's stopping us? With the 20% use of proceeds we are required to give there should be some extra money out there somewhere. I want to recognize Middlesex Lodge for giving nearly 500% of what was asked of them with only 315 members so please be sure to use them as an example! Sadly there are still five Lodges who are on the Brown list for giving nothing and a few more just above it. I know some Lodges struggle but if they have electronic gaming then they have to give some of that money away. Let's remember giving begins at home!
Our Per Capita numbers are looking good at around 85% of what we need to give to meet the $6.75 amount per member and we have 20 Lodges who have met the Moose Charities giving qualifications for the Premier Lodge Award. Just remember, they still have to send in the Endowment each month as another qualification and some have been lacking in that department. Stay on top of thins and remind your lodge frequently to sent it in.
Thank you for all you do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
Attached are the Per Capita and Moosehaven AAA Project reports as of 8/31/23. Please note these totals on the AAA Project do not reflect any money given at our recent convention. When those totals are added in we will be very close to reaching the $400,000.00 commitment we made in less than two years. What I am asking is that we try to go a little extra and make it to $500,000.00. If the Lodges who have not yet reached their goals do their part and the rest kick in what they can this should be no problem. Just to give you an idea of what I'm asking of you, the Ohio Moose Association has committed to a promise of $2,000,000.00 and have almost reached their goal. In fact they have already given around half of all money collected for the project so far. Once the project is complete our Association will be recognized as one of the top donors, as they were on the recently completed MAC Project at Mooseheart, with a plaque on the wall showing our total. With our new gaming use of proceeds requirements let's not forget our seniors at Moosehaven. Who knows, any one of you may be using these new facilities one day and you will be able to say, "We did that!". Please pass the word and let's get this done!
On the per capita we have 13 Lodges who have met either the per capita amount or $1 more and many more are very close. Please be sure to remind lodges that even if they reach one of those requirements they still need to send in endowment every month to qualify for the Premier lodge Award. We have some Lodges who are forgetting this on a regular basis and it needs to stop. That money is collected on behalf of our children and seniors and is not theirs to keep. It must be sent to Moose Charities in a timely manner. There is absolutely no excuse for not doing this given they can do it online in a matter of minutes. Please go to the Lodges who are not doing this and find out why. Time is crucial for some since there are quite a few that have already missed the max. I'm counting on your help to get this done!
Also while you're at it get them to form a team for the upcoming Rudolph Run virtual 5K. It's easy to do at the Moose Charities website and every Lodge should have received an email on how to get it done. Let's show the other Associations that we truly know how to take care of our children and seniors by showing our support for this fun activity. There are different donor levels that bring different levels of recognition. Once again let's use some of the proceeds from gaming and keep the money in house by donating to Moose Charities!
As always, thank you for what you do to make our Association the top association in the fraternity!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
9/12/23 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Bonnie Kidwell (Communication Connection September 2023)
8/07/23 (2 of 2)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and sisters,
Attached you will find the Moosehaven AAA Project and Lodge Per Capita Report. We have 12 Lodges who have met the Per Capita or $1 more giving to Moose Charites already! Just be sure to tell them to continue sending in their endowments on a regular basis to qualify for the Premier Lodge Award. Use the last column on the report to help Lodges know how much they need to give to qualify for the Premier lodge award. If you divide that number by the number of months left in the Moose Year it can give them an idea how much they need to give monthly to meet their goals.
43 Lodges have given their full commitment or more to the AAA Project which is outstanding! Be sure to thank them for their generosity. We have met 88.7% of our goal with over $354,950 collected. Let's try to hit $500K by January at Mid-Year. With the new use of proceeds percentage for electronic gaming Lodges need a place to put that money. Why not keep it in house and give to Moose Charities? Who knows which one of us might need that security in the future?
Thank you for all you do and I'll see you in a couple of weeks in Hampton! If you have any questions come to the Moose Charities Table at convention and I'll do what I can to help!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
8/07/23 (1 of 2)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
I'm looking for volunteers interested in helping out at the Moose Charities Table at the upcoming convention. If you would be interested in helping please let me know. The times are Thursday from about 3 PM-6 PM and Friday- Saturday from 8am until the meeting starts, after the morning meeting until the afternoon meeting, and after the meetings until around 5-6pm. Volunteers should have some knowledge of the various programs of Moose Charities but it is not required!
Also anyone wishing to donate a basket to raffle for Moose Charities please let me know ahead of time so I can make sure to have the tickets and such available. Proceeds will go toward the Moosehaven AAA project. If we can get a few people to help we can spread out the work.
Thank you!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection July 2023)
VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
Attached are the Moosehaven AAA Project and Moose Charities Per Capita reports as of 6/30/23. As of that date we have given over $350K of our $400K commitment to the AAA Project. We have 43 Lodges who have already given their 3 year commitment and 19 more who have given at least one year's worth. Great job for those who have been giving to this project. We have reached over 73% of our goal in less than two years so I want to up the ante! Ohio has pledged ONE MILLION $ and I see no reason we cannot reach at least 1/2 of that at $500,000.00. I'm asking you to get the word out about this and, given our need to give away 20% of electronic gaming proceeds, see if our Lodges can step up to the task. I know we can do it because we have done it before on other projects over the years. We were the #2 Association in the fraternity for a reason and part of that reason is our big hearts when it comes to helping children and seniors.
We also have 10 Lodges who have already met the monetary requirements for the Premier Lodge Award (as long as they make sure to send in Endowment every month) and many others who are very close! Unfortunately, we have a couple of Lodge who have contributed nothing and there is no excuse. I'm asking all District Presidents to remind their Lodges that the money they collect for Endowment is not theirs to use any way they see fit. It is a liability that must be sent in to Moose Charities when it is collected. Be sure your Lodges understand this simple fact.
We are off to a great start this year for Moose Charities giving so let's keep up the momentum. We have a proud past in Virginia when it comes to giving and the future looks bright as long as we keep it up!
Thank you for all you do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
06/14/23 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Secretary, Artie Ransone
For your information; These updated policies were adopted at the Annual Convention held 8-20-22. The policy titled "Executive Committee Nominee" added paragraph 2, the policy titled "Nominee for Association Elected Office" corrected language in paragraph 1 and the policy titled "District Petty Cash" was new. The remaining policies adopted 6-24-21 remain in effect.
Artie Ransone
05/25/23 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Executive Administrator
Just a reminder that submissions for the Memorial Book are due in by Friday, June 2. Next Friday! As of today, I have only received 30 of the 84 expected. Due to scheduling events between now and State Convention, no late entries will be accepted.
The office will be closed the following days in the upcoming month:
Monday, May 29th.
Thursday and Friday June 1st and June 2nd
Thursday and Friday June 15th and June 16th.
Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend!
VMA Office
05/22/23 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
It's time to start thinking about your Moose Charities giving for the 2023-24 Moose Year. We had a great year last year with 74 Lodges meeting or exceeding their goals. Let's see if we can get everyone on the list for Premier Lodge Awards this year by meeting our new goals. The per capita amount this year has increased to $6.75 per member. Some lodges will make this and more. Others will try to give at least $1 more and that's ok too. We are happy to accept anything your Lodges are willing to give to help our children and seniors. I've attached the new report with the new numbers. Everything is pretty much self explanatory but if you have any questions do not hesitate to call. The number in the last column is the easiest path to qualify for the premier Lodge Award. If you divide that number by 12 it will give you a monthly amount to use as a goal. Please share this information with your Lodges and get them on the path to success. We have a proud past in the Virginia Moose Association as the first Association formed in the Moose. Let's make a bright future for our children and seniors by giving whatever it takes to meet our goals.
Thank you for all you do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
05/10/23 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
First of all I would like to thank everyone for their hard work this year. Thanks to you we had 74 Lodges this year who met their $1 more or per capita giving goals and qualified for the Premier Lodge Award for Moose Charities giving. All together Virginia Lodges gave nearly $700K to Moose Charities (excluding Safe Surfin money). The members of the VMA, Lodges, Chapters, Moose Legions, and others gave over $900K. This is outstanding and couldn't have been achieved without your hard work and dedication. Please review the attached report and give credit where credit is due to your Lodges.
On the Moosehaven AAA Project we are well on our way to meeting our $400K goal with a total of over $294K (73%) given. We have 61 Lodges who have given at least one year's worth and 38 of those have already met their three year goal! We still have a few on the brown list so let's help them get out of the brown and into at least the bronze before year end!
Let's send out reminders to our Lodges to send in their endowment on a monthly basis, participate in the Cradle and rocker funds, and keep the AAA Project rolling along. Let's be proud of our past but keep working toward a brighter future and show the fraternity which Association has the biggest heart!
Thank you for all you do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
5/01/23 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection May 2023)
04/17/23 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and sisters,
It's crunch time for your Moose Charities giving. As of March 31 we have 61 Lodges that met their per capita or $1 more goals in Moose Charities giving. We have 10 more who need to give less than $500, and this doesn't include anything sent in for Endowment this month, to qualify for the premier Lodge Award. We still need everyone to send in Endowment and sadly some who have qualified in their giving amounts failed to send in the required number of Endowments. Please remind everyone that if you take up endowment it is not your money to use in the Lodge and must be sent to Moose Charities monthly. On a good note, according to my calculations, as an Association our Lodges gave over $11 per capita. That exceeds the fraternity wide per capita of $6.51 per member and is outstanding! Thank you on behalf of the children and seniors for your generosity in supporting Mooseheart and Moosehaven.
For the Moosehaven AAA Project our Association has collected over $257,000.00 so far. This is over 58% of our goal of $400,000.00 and we are well on our way to reaching our goal. We have 33 Lodges who have already met their 3 year goal, 4 who have met 2 years, and 13 who have met 1 year. There are 10 who have yet to contribute so let's help them find a way to raise a little to help us reach our goal. With the changes to electronic gaming use of proceeds we have to give 20% to charity so what better charity than our own? Remember the old saying, "Charity begins at home"? Well why not remember our home for seniors in Moosehaven and this project when giving away your charitable gaming dollars?
Please be sure to recognize those Lodges who continue to send in their endowment regularly and contribute to our projects in a big way. Give praise where praise is due. Remind them that it takes all of us working together to keep our fraternity strong and the stronger Lodges need to help the weaker Lodges when the need arises. As we end this year let's do it with a bang and make our Association the top Association with the biggest heart when it comes to giving. By working together we can make it happen!
Thank you for all you do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
03/20/23 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Pilgrim Chairman Glen Sydnor
There will be a Higher Degree Gathering hosted by Waynesboro Lodge #1309 on May 19-May 20, 2023. We ask that any brothers that hold the Fellowship Degree or Pilgrim Degree join us at any time during the two day span to enjoy fun and fellowship.
There will be a Pilgrim Meeting held on May 20, 2023 at same location, beginning at 10 a.m. Dress code is casual for the duration of the weekend.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me at 804-761-2330.
Glenn Sydnor
Pilgrim Chairman
Virginia Moose Association
3/16/23 - VMA Official Communication from Safe Surfin' President, Eddit Worth, Letter to all Lodges
03/14/23 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and sisters,
Attached you will find the Moose Charities Per Capita Report and Moosehaven AAA Project reports. Please look at these and congratulate the Lodges that are doing well and speak to those that can do better!
To date we have raised $232,990.64 (58.24%) of our $400,000 goal and it hasn't even been a year! Outstanding job! We have 31 Lodges who have given all we asked for and some even more! Sadly, we also have some who have given nothing so please be sure to tell them what this money will be used for and to see if they can do something to raise a little money to help. Use the flyer telling about the project.
I've also included the latest figures on per capita and $1 more giving to qualify for the Premier Lodge Award. As of February 28th we have 53 Lodges who have met the per capita goal or $1 more in Moose Charities giving. We also have quite a few more wh oare very close. It's crunch time with March and April left to give. Be sure to remind the Lodges that they must send in their Endowment each month to qualify as well. Remember that Safe Surfin' donations do not count towards the total Lodges are required to donate.
The money donated to Moose Charities also helps us in our Top Association quest so, with the new gaming requirements of 20% use of proceeds, what better place to send that money than Moose Charities for any number of projects including the AAA Project of wish list items!
Thank you for all you do and keep up the good work of supporting our children and seniors because it is you that MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
3/02/23 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection March 2023)
02/15/23 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and sisters,
Attached you will find the latest reports on the Moosehaven AAA Project and Lodge Moose Charities giving. There are still quite a few Lodges who have given nothing to the AAA Project so please remind them that the new gaming regulations require 20% use of proceeds for charitable giving, and this would count towards that percentage. We have already collected over $180K on this project in about 6 months' time which is outstanding. Thank your Lodges that have given and try to get the others to at least give 1 year's worth before our next convention in August.
We are also doing well on our Moose Charities giving. Remind Lodges that the money they give to Safe Surfin' does not count towards their per capita. That doesn't mean they should not support that worthy cause, it just means they need to make sure to give enough to Moose Charities' other projects to qualify for their Premier Lodge Award per capita amount of $6.51 per member or $1 more that they gave last year. The endowment report will be coming soon so remind your Lodges they must continue to give their endowment every month to qualify as well. We have 47 Lodges who have already qualified through their giving and many more who are nearly there. Please use this report to help them achieve their goal so we can get as many Lodges as we can their Premier Lodge Awards as a reward for their hard work and dedication.
Also remind your Lodges about the Rocker Fund this month. Last year we did $11,587 on this project. Let's see if we can't do a lot better this year! The Cradle Fund made $2,400 more so there is no reason we can't do the same, or better, with this one.
Thank you for all you do and let's make it happen and show we are the top association with the biggest hearts!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
2/01/23 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection February 2023)
01/13/23 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and sisters,
I hope everyone had a great holiday season and are gearing up for mid-year in Hampton! Attached you will find the latest Moose Charities Per Capita Giving report as of 12/31/22. Remember, this report includes everything your Lodge has sent to Moose Charities for everything except Safe Surfin'. This report shows what your Lodges need to send in in order to qualify for the Premier Lodge Award either by giving $1 more than last year or meeting the per capita amount of $6.51 per member. We already have 41 Lodges that have met one or both of these requirements but we want to see everyone make their goals! Remember Lodges also have to send in their endowment each month as well. Charles should be sending that report out soon so you can make sure your Lodges are fulfilling their obligations in this regard. Now remember, just because a Lodge has met their requirements it doesn't mean they don't need to send anymore! We still need to boost our per capita giving to work on the Top Association Award. Some Associations give over $9 per member and we can too if everyone pitches in. They can give to any number of programs at Moose Charities to help our children and seniors and should continue to do so.
I've also attached the latest Moosehaven AAA Project report. As of 12/31/22 we have given over $162,440.04 of our $400,000 pledge which is about 40.6% and outstanding given it is only about 6 months in to the three year project. Let's keep the momentum going and knock this thing out! We have 25 Lodges who have already met their three year goal but, again, they should not stop there since we have some Lodges who may not be able to meet their goals. Be sure to thank those who have given and remind those who haven't that "a burden to one is borne lightly by many" and to give what they can to help the cause. We can make this happen!
We'll be talking about these at mid-year so I hope to see you all there. Thank you for what you do and if you have any questions feel free to contact me at any time.
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
1/09/23 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection January 2023)
1/06/23 - VMA Official Communication from Government Relations Chairman, Brook Archambeau
12/06/22 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection December 2022)
11/21/22 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
Attached are the AAA Project Report and the Moose Charities Per Capita Giving Reports. We have given a total of $148,555.40 (37%) to the Moosehaven AAA Project with 24 Lodges already reaching their three year goal! Let's keep the ball rolling and get the $400,000.00 commitment knocked out in record time!
For the per capita report we have 37 Lodges who have met their goals of $1 more, per capita of $6.51 per member, or both so that is great as well. Remind those who have already made it that they still need to turn in their endowment on a monthly basis to qualify for the Premier Lodge Award. Also anything given to Safe Surfin' does not count toward their total giving so they need to watch that as well. As we reach the halfway mark of the Moose year let's keep working to get everyone qualified for the Premier Lodge Award.
As we hit the holiday season I am thankful for the hard work each of you do for our great fraternity. Please be safe as you travel around this season and may God bless you and your families, Mooseheart, and Moosehaven.
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
11/02/22 - VMA Official Communication from Government Relations Chairman, Brook Archambeau
TO ALL - They have removed the 40% for use of proceeds on their demo form (that changed after the first training) and Menefee has assured me that if we lobby we can get that lowered, likely not less than 30% (hence my request below). Please encourage district officers and lodge administrators to expressly mention the payroll piece of this, as they currently don't want us to be able to use any of the proceeds from gaming towards payroll. I agree that we shouldn't be totally reliant on gaming for these purposes, but even Menefee conceded that he knows gaming is keeping the lights on in a lot of places, so maybe if we make enough noise about being able to use them for payroll (or at least a percentage of it), then we may get that changed.
The public comment and input for the new gaming regulations/forms is currently online. Many have already received the link and left valuable input, but please put this out to all lodges and chapters immediately. The form closes at 11:59pm on Wednesday, November 23, 2022. Please keep the following in mind when posting commentary:
1. VDACS is requesting input on the forms/reporting regulations only.
2. Use of proceeds - We would like it to be no more than 30% of net proceeds for electronic gaming.
3. Restrictions on what we can use proceeds towards will tremendously inhibit our operating capability. The proposed regulations prohibit using proceeds for payroll. Please reiterate that we rely on these proceeds for light bills, payroll for those operating the social quarters, and keeping our lodges open.
4. Please be sure to list your name, title, and lodge number. ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS are encouraged to offer commentary, not just lodge/chapter officers.
Here is the link: https://townhall.virginia.gov/L/comments.cfm?stageid=9804
Brooke Archambeau
Government Relations
11/02/22 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection November 2022)
10/20/22 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Committee Member Charles Carter
The Endowment Fund for the month of September received from Moose International
Thank you
Charles Carter
10/19/22 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
Attached you will find the latest per capita report for Moose Charities Giving. There has been some confusion about this report so let me explain it in simple terms. This report shows how much you have given to Moose Charities up until the date of the report. This total does not include anything given to Safe Surfin' since that does not count toward your Premier Lodge Award. This report also shows the total you need to give for the entire Moose year, 5/1/22-4/30/23, based upon the Moose Charities per capita rate of $6.51 per member or $1 more than you gave last year. The total given also includes money given to endowment, to the AAA Project, and other gifts or projects, in other words every check you send to Moose Charities counts. This money does not have to be paid all at one time and can be divided into monthly amounts. The last column on the report shows the easiest amount you need to pay to qualify for the Premier Lodge Award but is by no means all you need to give if you are able! So far we have 29 Lodges who have met the per capita or $1 more amount which is outstanding! Remember that you still have to send in endowment each month as well to qualify. We had some Lodges last year who would have qualified but missed too many endowments so don't let this happen to you! If any of you have any questions about this report fell free to call me any time and I will try to answer them if I can!
Now for the first AAA Project report! We are off to a great start so let's try to keep up the momentum. All together the members of Virginia have given over $130,000 to the project so far. We have 20 Lodges who have already given the entire three years worth we asked for so far. The total number requested from each Lodge is based on their enrollment on April 30, 2022 and a per capita number of $2.36 per member to reach the $400,000 goal in three years. This allows a reasonable amount for each lodge, large or small, to work with each year. Like any other project they should do fund raisers to reach these goals. Even in these difficult times, if we all work together, we can get this project done. Not only are we taking care of our seniors with this project but it may be something we ourselves may be using down the road! Also, remember that money given to this project counts toward total Moose Charities giving and your Premier lodge Awards! Again, if you have any questions feel free to call me any time!
Thank you for all you do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
Moose Charities Board Member
10/05/22 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Heart of the Community Chairman, Chris Mcfaden
Brothers and Sisters,
As I have been watching the news like all of you, I am in shock and heartbroken for the people of Florida. They have lost so much and it will take months to recover from this horrible disaster. We as Moose need to help these people. This is the time to really think about what the Heart Of The Community stands for. The Virginia Moose Association would like all lodges to give to the Florida Moose Association to distribute to all the areas affected. Our giving is vital to the recovery of the state of Florida and its people. Please send your checks to the VMA office. Make check payable to the VMA and ear marked to the “Florida Disaster Fund”. The VMA will collect all money and send one check to the FMA. Please help in any amount you can. All donations big or small will help people in need.
As I type this letter I am reminded of a quote that one of our founding fathers James J. Davis said. “A burden heavy to one, is bourn lightly by many”.
Chris Mcfaden
Heart Of The Community Chairman
Virginia Moose Association
08/11/22 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour - All Giving Report
Brothers and Sisters
Attached you will find the latest Moose Charities All Giving (per capita) Report. This report shows the money received by Moose Charities for the various programs you send money to at Moose Charities such as endowment, gifts at the International Convention, etc. This report does not show contributions to Safe Surfin' as they do not count toward the Premier Lodge Award qualifications as found HERE on the Moose International website.
Here is a column by column explanation of the report. It is really simple, the last column is the minimum amount you need to send to qualify for the Premier Lodge Award but is by no means all you should give!
Columns 1-3 are self explanatory with Lodge number, Lodge name, and District
Column 4 is the amount you gave to Moose Charities last year
Column 5 is the amount you need to give Moose Charities this year to reach $1 more in total giving
Column 6 is the amount given Moose Charities to date excluding Safe Surfin' donations
Column 7 is the number of members you had on roll on April 10, 2022 and is used to determine the total amount you need to give to make the per capita goal of $6.51 per member
Column 8 is total amount of your membership on 4/30/22 times the per capita number of $6.51 per member
Column 9 is the amount still needed to reach the per capita goal
Column 10 is the minimum amount contributed to Moose Charities needed to qualify for the Premier Lodge award and is based on the lesser number between the $1 more amount or the per capita amount. Our goal is for every Lodge to at least meet the per capita number but we realize this is hard for some Lodges so urge them to do the best they can.
Remember these are just target goals and should be exceeded to give yourselves some room for error. Also remember that it does no good to give the money if they miss more than two endowment reports. Give these numbers to our Lodges and help them set their giving goals. Let's make this happen so all of our lodges qualify for the Premier Lodge Award and show the rest of the Fraternity who truly is the Top Association when it comes to Moose Charities giving.
I'll see you all in Hampton if you have any questions! Thank you for what you do! Together we can make it happen!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
08/11/22 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour - Triple A Project
Brothers and Sisters,
As some of you who attended the International Convention in Orland already know we have a new three year project for Moosehaven called the "Triple A Project". This stands for "Always Active At" Moosehaven. This $10,000,000.00 3 year project is designed to replace the activity center currently in use that is residential building built in 1952. This is to be replaced with a building along the lines of the newly opened MAC project at Mooseheart. The new sports complex and amenity center will include a pool, gym, and multi-purpose room for exercise and dance classes. It will also include a bowling alley, indoor shuffleboard, cornhole, billiards, darts, a poker room, and a spacious social area. This project also includes a new 80X100 foot pavilion that will be built overlooking the St John's River.
Our Association's commitment to this project is $400,000.00 which is the same amount we raised for the Mooseheart Activity Center. I have broken it down on a Lodge by Lodge basis and included a spreadsheet for your use. The numbers are based on April 30, 2022 membership numbers and a per capita number of $7.07 for the entire three year period. I have listed a goal per year and a total goal for each Lodge. Since I used the per capita, the totals for each lodge are as close as I can come to making each Lodge responsible for an even share of the project based upon individual Lodge membership. As with the MAC Project some Lodges will give more than others based upon ability. All we are asking is for each Lodge to take it upon themselves to fulfill our mission of caring for our seniors to the best of their ability.
As of July 31 we have already collected $8200 with Sandston leading the way with a $5000.00 contribution. We are also looking for those Lodges who wish to make contributions to bring their checks to the banquet at our upcoming convention in Hampton. We would like to show out CEO Scott Hart how we get things done and make it happen in Virginia when it comes to fulfilling our mission. Have the checks made out to Moose Charities and earmarked "Moosehaven Triple A Project".
Thank you for all you do and I look forward to seeing you all in Hampton. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll do the best I can to answer them for you!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
09/23/22 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour
Brothers and Sisters,
I've been getting some calls lately concerning the per capita amount for Moose Charities giving this year. For future reference the amount can always be found on Moose International website HERE The per capita this year is $6.51 per member. The amount you need to make for Moose Charities giving this year is that number multiplied by the total members on roll on April 30th. The attached report shows the numbers your Lodges need to make for the Premier Lodge Award either through per capita or $1 more giving. The total in the last column is the easiest amount to achieve the award. Although that number could be for $1 more we would like to see everyone make the per capita number if possible. And don't let that number stop you from giving more if you can! This total does not include anything given in September. If the Lodges take that number and divide it by the remaining months it will give them a goal to reach each month and perhaps make it a little easier. Also remind them that even though they may make this goal they still need to send in endowment each month.
I also need the names of some of your Moose Charities Chair people. I've sent out a couple of emails in this regard and have gotten limited response back. Remember it is always easier to get the job done if we get more people involved in getting the word out.
On a final note, remember that October is the month for Lodges to participate in the Cradle Fund. Let's see if we can't get more participation and top the total from last year ($12,449) and rock this thing! Also talk up the Virtual 5K Rudolph Run that can be found HERE or have them donate to my team "Duck Duck Moose VA" by going to the Moose Charities website. Let's put Virginia over the top on Moose Charities giving and show the rest of the Associations who has the biggest heart when it comes to Mooseheart!
Thank you for all you do and keep up the good work!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
09/28/22 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection October 2022) Attachments below
10/05/22 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Committee Member Charles Carter
Hello Everyone,
I'm excited to be an active member of the State Moose Charities Committee. This opportunity will give me a chance to learn the duties and responsibilities of this very important committee. Thank you Don for the opportunity to serve on this committee.
Thank you
Charles Carter
According to MI records the following lodges did NOT make a contribution to the Endowment Fund for the month of August.
Newport News 1119
Berryville 2139
Waynesboro 1309
Ashland 2099
Powhatan 1840
Altavista 1433
Montgomery County 1470
09/30/22 - VMA Official Communication - From the Office of Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs
The Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs will be conducting regional training at 7 locations across Virginia during October and November 2022. Training will include an overview of recent legislative changes along with instruction on completing the revised Quarterly and Annual Charitable Gaming Financial Reports- Form 101 & 102.
To register, please complete the attached form and email to finreports.assistance@vdacs.virginia.gov or fax to 804-255-2666.
It is strongly suggested by the Executive Committee of the Association that Administrators/ Government Relations Chairpersons/Bingo Managers and office staff that completes mandatory forms attend this training program.
09/15/22 - VMA Official Communication from Higher Degrees Chairman, Mark Marshall Sr. - Virginia Council of Higher Degrees Membership Drive
The Virginia Council of Higher Degree is moving forward on a statewide membership drive. By now you should have a Chairperson in place for your District and Lodges. This Charter Membership Drive is for 90 days October 1, 2023 until December 31, 2023. Membership in
Central Virginia
Northern Virginia
Western Virginia
will begin January 1, 2023
See attachment for more details. (Application)
Please print a post on your bulletin boards. (Flyer) I will be at the Chili Cookoff with Applications and Flyers.
P.S. the train has left the station.
Mark Marshall Sr
Higher Degree Chairman
08/16/22 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection August 2022)
07/25/22 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour - Endowment Report
Brothers and Sisters,
Attached is the Endowment Report as of 6/30/22. Please look over it and let me know if you have any questions. If one of your Lodges has a dispute remind them they need to contact Moose Charities with proof that they are wrong as I can't do anything myself to make corrections. Sorry it is so late but I had a computer crash and I had to do some scrambling to get it done! We have 13 Lodges who have already missed one Endowment. Please stress to them that they can only miss one more or they will be disqualified from the Premier Lodge Award.
I'm still working on the per capita report for Moose Charities and as soon as I get that done I will send it out so the Lodges can set their goals for the year. I will also have something on the new three year "AAA Moosehaven Project" coming out soon so please prep your Lodges to begin raising funds for that project.
Just to let everyone know and to thank you for your efforts we raised $447,639.10 for the MAC project that was just completed at Mooseheart and exceeded our $400K goal.
Thank you for all you do for Moose Charities!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
08/11/22 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Moose Charities Chairman Don Ridenhour - Endowment Report
Brothers and Sisters,
Attached you will find the Endowment report as of 7/31/22. We had 76 of 83 Lodges reporting for 91%. We need to get everyone sending their endowment in on time every month. Remind your Lodges that the money they collect for endowment is not Lodge money but is intended for our children and seniors. They do not have to wait until the end of the month to send it in as long as they send it in every month. We already have three Lodges that have missed two endowments and they can miss no more and still receive the Premier Lodge Award. Our goal is 100% reporting every month and it is a simple thing to do. Set a reminder on your phones, put a sticker on the calendar, pay it when you pay your other recurring bills like electric and water, just do it every month!
If those who show as not paying have a dispute they need to contact Moose Charities directly with proof that they paid on a bank statement or a cancelled check. The check must be earmarked "Endowment" and sent to Moose Charities.
I look forward to seeing you all next week at Hampton. If you have any questions please bring them to me at the Moose Charities table and I'll be glad to answer them the best I can.
Thank you for all you do!
Don Ridenhour
VMA Moose Charities Chairman
07/18/22 - VMA Official Communication from Moose Legion Ambassador - Eastern VA - Robert A. Benjamin (Moose Legion Report)
06/22/22 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection July 2022)
05/27/22 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection June 2022)
05/06/22 - VMA Official Communication from VMA Activities Chairperson Chairman, Leslie Cudd
Please find shown below the guidelines for hosting VMA Sporting Events. Should your lodge be interested in hosting any events in 2023, please follow those guidelines for submission. All requests MUST be received by September 30, 2022. Please submit via email to lcudd1@verizon.net. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or the VMA office.
1. Requests to host sporting events must be submitted in writing to include signature of all current board members. Deadline for submission is September 30 of the year prior to events.
2. Lodges will submit a $350 hosting fee to the Association, due within one week of the conclusion of the event.
3. Lodges wishing to host events must have participated in the event the year prior to hosting
4. It is the responsibility of the host lodges to procure housing/hotel accommodations for the event, as well as any flyers, advertising, or information regarding the event for distribution or posting. It is also the responsibility of the host lodge to provide any prizes or trophies to be awarded. The success of your event is largely based on “advertising” on Virginia Moose Association social media site, website, as well as bulk emails to lodges with details of the event. The sooner you are prepared for your event, the sooner it can be promoted to increase participation and revenue.
Leslie Cudd
Activities Chairperson
Virginia Moose Association
04/28/22 - VMA Official Communication from Communications Chairman, Judy Kennedy (Communication Connection May 2022)